Photoshoot: du corail, de la soupe, des lentilles!
I love snippets of colours that brighten up any given autumn day in the Alsace region- on the North East of France. In doing so, I have discovered and been incorporating into my weekly meal menus health ingredients such as lentils- which I use especially for their Iron content, but also for their shades that give life to any dish as an entree for soup or salad. This is my favorite (simple) way in which I use the coral lentils for a
soupe aux lentilles.
1 cup of coral/orange lentils
1 cup of coconut milk
3 cups of fresh water
1 cube of chicken Bouillon
1 pinch of cumin (optinal)
Bring to a boil for 15 mns
Let simmer for up to 45 mns
Bon appétit à vous!