Prénom: Evis
Age: 30
J'habite: Baltimore, MD, USA
Type de peau: Normal/dry
Type de cheveux: curly
Pour toi, la beauté c'est... For me beauty is internal happiness & contentment. Happy people always are radiant with joy and genuine smiles and despite of their sense of style, it is always a pleasure to be around them.
Rituels de beauté: Sleeping enough revitalizes the skin and eyes. Unfortunately, the weekend is the only time I can do it. Daily moisturizers and sun block are a must for the skin. About my hair, I wash it only twice a week using Aveda professional hair products that don't have many chemicals. I also avoid using flat irons or curly irons daily.
Soins du corps: I try to eat healthy and do yoga twice a week. I try to work out as often not necessarily to be thin but to keep it strong and healthy. I use a body moisturizer for my skin but mostly in the winter.