Photoshoot: Le Hammam,
ce lieu si animé?
At the beginning of graduate school, I was introduced to health benefits-to relief muscle pain and relax the body & mind and eliminate toxins- of going to the sauna and/or the hammam toward the end of 2006 in West Lafayette, Indiana where the university offers such feature in its gym facility.
Later, I have become more interested in its beauty benefits to maintain a toned & glowing skin. Needless to say that I have been hooked into this programme following several workout sessions.
Now, I am understanding that this routine of mine has- and for centuries- been elevated to an art:
the art of bathing. Countless literature pieces in the forms of poetry & rime, novel & short story, painting & sculpting have been dedicated to- what we often take for granted- simpliest act of life.
This has become a short moment of renewal for my body & soul even, for each time I enter the sauna, there are a few women talking about the lives of their daughters; the accomplishments of their grand-daughters; the bike that one bought at an auction when she had to purchase a motocycle chain to prevent it from burglars; the wedding of their children in a the South of France; the other sauna located in Kehl, Germany that some have been dying to go to just for the experience of it; the latest about their jobs and worldnews and the weather and so on and so forth. In deed, the sauna is THE place of chating, relaxing & renewal...check it out: