Une thésarde en ré-éducation!
After only two short months into writing my Ph.D thesis at the Université de Strasbourg, I have come to make several observations. First, it is more tedious than I expected. While this statement is a given, the second general (human) observation- that I am certainly not exempt from- is the simple fact that each individual, regardless of his or her field of research and areas of expertize wants to heard.
In other words, whether it be a musician or a doctor of medicine, a writer or an Industrial engeneer, a stay-at-home mother or a CEO of a big enterprise, all want to exhibit his or her talent...their
savoir faire, so to speak!
While in and of itself this cannot be viewed as a selfish pursuit, I do want to point out that each individual- even the so called timid or introvert- has a few ounces of exhibitionist in his essence as a living person. Let it be known, then agreed upon, that we all have this human trait. Now, the trick is to either own up to this social fact or retrive from it; but please, spare me the elocant speach of only artitsts showing such flagrant behavior.
For instance, this weekend at the University of Zurich, I attented a Ph.D Seminar on "France. Histoire interne-externe: L'impact des évolutions politiques et socio-culturelles sur le changement langagier" in other words on the fondamental impact of political and socio-cultural factors upon the French language within France and the French-speaking countries throughout the world. On such topics the subject that I treated (with great facts and emthusiasm) dealt with this sorts of impact on Haiti and its
Créole language that so often is mistaken for a
Francais Créole- which linguisticaly speaking is not the case!