Une séance cadeaux!

In six days, I close friend of mine, Katy, who has become my (unofficial) photographer, will be getting married on the east coast. For the occasion, as it is a USA tradition, a few friends gathered last friday to have a not-so-typical bridal party to celebrate her unique sense of self...and style! I hosted the event at her (cute) apartment in West Lafayette, Indiana with a DIY (Do It Yourself) session of homemade sugar body scrub. Her fiancé, Nathan, also a friend, spoiled us with his homemade lemon cheesecake that the most calorie-counting mathematician will be derailed in his/her counting!! While I am not able to tell you the dessert recipe; I will, however, be generous enough to share the body scrub recipe I pulled out of my dossier. "The KC Scrub" Light brown sugar White sugar Honey Olive oil Jojoba oil safflower oil Fine Oatmeal particles Lavender essential oil Grapefruit essential oil...

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