A word, a sentense, a paragraph, a letter, a speech, a book.
All of the above have the close correlation to communicating an idea or transmitting a message. All, without exception, have the singular power to evoque change in a society, engrain a sense of empowerment within an individual, mold one into action, instill creativity in one's mind, remind a person of his or her duties; and in the worst case scenario that occurs more often than wished for, destroy one's fragile mental being-even to a state of retreat questionning his or her sense of person.
I vividly recall the childhood instances where I would prefer being read a book aloud by my mother or my sister. It appeared that the verbalization of the spoken words took great shape in my mind allowing me to not only hear the words, but also to put them into context and finally to parallel its content to modern life. The love of reading for myself did not fully grow until my sophomore year at the Coeur Immacule de Marie catholic's high school-although not a part of that particular faith- where my class was introduced to the concepts of Haitian and French literature.
Having received a solid background in classes such as history, literature and languages, the words became rather quite clear and alive. Needless to say that my progressive eyes of comprehension widened in the understanding of the empowerment the words bring to an individual.
Although I have also been guilty of the following; since then, through spoken and written words, I have been the recipient of praise, admiration, pity, ignorance, petty discrimination-mainly due to the additional melanin in my natural human body.