Overtime, by constantly observing my parents' attempt to realize their own homemade recipes- whether it be for health or beauty- it opened the door of curiosity in my mind that there must be numerous ways to achieve one result. The concept of 'living green' carefully marketed and advertised to 'be green' in the 21st Century isn't new. However, its emphasis now then ever, is much needed.
So, in my own right, I have slowly and steadily embrased this useful ideology by recycling, performing some hand-washing, profiting of the sun rays to produce the same result as an electric drying machine...and recently, with the collaboration of a good friend of mine, Liz, I have developped a new hobby: the skill of soap-making in the laboratory of my own kitchen.
Liz and I have armed ourselves with gaugles and gloves on several occasions to create these homemade, one-of-a-kind, luxurious oil base soap concoctions. We each came up with our personal mixture of oils, essential oils and particles to complete the experience.
Thus far, in my repertoire, my favorite combo is intitled:
"Poire d'Afrique" or/ou "Pearberry Africa"
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Sweet Almond oil
Castor oil and Shea Butter with fine oatmeal particles.
Now, if you ask me what I think...I can only say that it is divine!