FOOD. Can you still describe the smells and tastes of your childhood? Also,you probably have distinguished the particular smell each house possesses...what was the distinct smell that floated in your home?
Allow me to take the French author, Marcel Proust's approach to recalling what your childhood and adolescent years were composed of as far as your memory would permit!
I am paraphrasing Socrates who once wrote: "Bad men live to eat; whereas, good men eat to live." While I will not take a philosophical approach to the matter of culinary art; I will, however, dwell on life's small fufilling moments you take from your own cooking.
I learned to 'boil water'-so to speak- while attentively watching my mother in the traditional Haitian kitchen where she used both hot coals and a gas stovetop. She would call on all four children-two boys and two girls- to lend a hand as she skillfuly prepares the interminable Haitian meals. To this day, the smell of the typical Haitian black-mushroomed-rice with shredded shrimp and well-seasonned chicken, still hunt me.
From my sophomore year in college in Idaho I started hosting Haitian dinner-parties for my closest friends where friendship were built and strenghtened around a table of food. You are invited to my dinner table!