Photoshoot: que de beaux mots qui réchauffent le coeur! Yesterday was my twenty-ninth birthday celabration and I received a great deal of comforting and encouraging words as to look forward to the future... well, thank you for thinking of me during that time of the year. And, I wish each one of you a very Happy New Year: make it count! I intend to apply this maxim to the best of my abilities. In doing so, allow me to indulge in sharing a few items on my Bucket List- so to speak and not in any particular order. °share the love °remain physically active +be both street smart & book smart +consume local market ingredients in season ¨¨In the meanwhile, stay tuned for my all-time favorite: food recipes weekly market experiments skin care & natural hair ideas & fashion links- yes, links since I'm not well versed in this industry to comment.


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