# 168 : sur ma table de chevet.


I often wish I were able to process new ideas in a much faster way
or be a more dynamic speaker or even a faster writer or be so much more
I have finally reached the conclusion that I am enough. And, that life or my life is what I consciously make of it. No one has all the answers. I learnt that I had to gracefully let some things go. 

And, I have picked up a certain art of je ne sais quoi : a mix of American flair with a touch of French decorum while deeply rooted into my Haitian sense of reality. 

I travel more- even through foreign words. I write- what I consider to be deep in short poetic forms. I dance- which has become a new way to bond with my significant other. 

I walk more- since it provides a sense of freedom. I listen more- to my neuroses rather than constantly going against their wishes. 

And, I work (hard) to sustain my life now and in later years which are bound to come knocking at my doorstep.


background mood

Christine and the Queens : Christine


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