# 144 : (avoir) les mains dans le minéral.

"I'd like you to settle into your favourite chair, shift into your most comfortable position and close your eyes."

"…a celebration of the durable and the meaningful."

"So, where are the best places to make a home?
Where are the streets, villages, coastlines, mountains, 
towns and cities that would make you want to put down roots?"

"Cosiness is not a finishing touch, it is something deep-rooted. Cosiness is not something you only find in the countryside in homes with thick rugs and fireplaces."

"Cosiness is an atmosphere and a feeling that only comes when homeowners stop interior-designing and start living."
"Imagine the house you want."

"Only you know what cosy means to you…
about happiness."

-- -   The Monocle Guide to Cozy Homes, excerpts






on a partly cloudy Saturday morning, 
i got up early,
made a cup of whole leaves green tea,
took a quick shower,
put on a comfortable outfit,  
a dash of moisterising tulip-red lipstick;
headed to my first introductory pottery workshop 
downtown- across the river canal.

after a few trials and errors,
i came up with this small recipient 
that i currently use as an earthy tea light candle holder
that flickers all through dinner time.


background mood

Isn't It Romantic : Chet Baker


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