° Aurore: this message is for you: please come back and visit us again and again and again!it is always a delight to have some friends over for brunch...

° ...and, of course, a fuming cup of tea was in order for each of the ladies.

° the
shabby chic style and way of life is growing in me day by day! so, i jumped on the opportunity that got to acquire this white shutter panel from my in-laws who have been renovating their country home: reduce, recycle, re-use, right ;-)

° i have always had a fascination for exfoliators and, since the summer of 2007 in West Lafayette, IN (usa) i started to pay more attention to the fabrication of and the products selection of the commercial body/face scrubs; which enticed me to create my own based solely on natural, organic and relatively simple +price accesible+ ingredients. one can say now that i've championed this skill or art of savoir-faire.

° and speaking of the
art form, i've been a consistant hand-written-and-mailing-postcard writer since my teenage years with the pen-pal project i discovered in school.
i am hooked, for life!!!

° time passes and each year one remembers the date of his or her birth...so, today is my mother-in-law's and we fully celebrated this special occasion over a seven-course-dinner at a nice restaurant.

° i'll dwell on the theme of birthdays for a moment: last week it struk me that i'll be turning the big- or not so big, after all- three point 0. i carefully made a detailed list of the things i've accomplished and learned thus far, and dutifully made my wish-list envelope :-)