° every now and then, i head to the local library to get some inspiration!

° it is only fair and natural nowadays that i prepare dinner and Paul takes care our lunch time when we're at home. this is a grade A type presentation.

° i have a penchant for ballerines and scarves. well, that's said, the linen scarf on the right with the lace border is my latest and greatest creation for the summer-fall 2011 season... can't you tell that i have become a sewing snob ;-)

° there are a few things that remain with me on a daily basis after having lived in the United States for nearly ten years. one of them is to automatically verify if there is a fire alarm detector/extinguisher put in place into a potential renting apartment. well, this idea of protection is slowly taking its (rightful) place in the French apartment renting system. but, we had to purchase our own as we settled in our two-bedroom apt downtown simply because things tend to go at a turtle-like pace around here. as i often hear these days:
c'est la vie!

° last week end we had a friend of ours who lives in Paris over for dinner and she was so kind to bring a nice bottle of white wine to accompany our
festin du jour!

° last year my mom sent me this white handmade delicate lace doily that i use to adorn our dining table. she has a sense of delicacy that i (think for sure) have inherited from her!

° following the tea towel fabric paint project, i could not stop, so i made one for my bread basket that i use quite frequently when i head to my street corner
boulangerie for a "pain 6 céréales".

° a homemade mixture of sea salt and dryed herbs is ideal for marinating fishes and meat. simple. efficient. scrumptious. give it a try!