# 24: petits mots.mur blanc.mini chateau

° next month, Strasbourg will be upside down... because my brother is coming to town. Yuppyyy! ° i wanted to introduce a piece of the South of France into my North East living this summer. and this is the result: a water set that we got while visiting the artists' village, Biot. ° i have nothing against cow's milk, i simply have a penchant for vegetable and plant based products. these are ideal for smoothie-making! ° everytime we entertain and have (new) friends over, i tend to request a minor favor from our guests. thus, the wall of quotations! ° it was a holiday in France this last monday, so we headed the Chateau de Pourtales forest for a walk into nature. i cannot begin to tell you how delightful it was to hear the birds singing. it sounds so cliché, but the end result was worth every minute spent into the woods! ° i am on my way to get a few tickets to the Opéra du Rhin for the upcoming season this fall. besides school work and professional obligations, i get the peace of mind and life inspiration that i need from museum expositions, the opera, musical symphonies and theatre plays. plus, all of that is available in the city that i currently live in. i know. lucky me! ° last sunday, we had some quality time with family having brunch at a local resto-bistro and attending a literature reading at the museum. it was divine!


Celeste said…
Ah, even just the pictures you share bring a little peace and cheerfulness into my heart. :)

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