° although it has been a few weeks since i've attended the famously known event:
La nuit des musées, i insist on showing you some snapshoots. in France, at the start of Spring time, every museum is open until midnight and free of charge, for everyone!

° while i was waiting my turn- in a very long line- to enter the
Palais des Rohan museum, i bumped into a friend, Frédérique, with whom i have spent most of the night chatting up!!

° last sunday- like every last sunday of the month of May- we celebrated Mother's Day with the family.
Joyeuse Fete des meres à toutes les femmes du monde!

° let's remain on the family theme, shall we. last weekend, Paul and i hosted a small dinner party for his cousins that he has not seen in a very long while- and i was meeting for the first time, really. so, cheers to family ;-)

° over the past month i have been involved in an academic debate organized by Rodéo d'Ame (http://www.rodeodame.fr/) where an eclectic and dynamic group- ages from 18 to 30- gather to discuss the meaning of EUROPE in the 21st century.
so, on tuesday, as part of the several excursions we've done, we visited the Anselm Kiefer art work at the
Musée Wurth Erstein.

° wednesday (two days ago) was quite chilly in town, so a few girlfriends of mine decided to gather up for tea. this time, i selected a rooibos (red african herbal infusion) entitled:
le fil rouge.

° this is the
plus-que-perfect outfit on a relatively hot friday in France.

° my tuesday-salmon-meal, and its many creative variations i've come up with over the last few months, is the most anticipated into my household!