Photoshoot: Paris sous la pluie!

Photoshoot: Paris sous la pluie!
On wednesday morning, at 6:45 am, I boarded the TGV to la Gare Est-Paris to catch an early evening exposition of Yves Saint Laurent at the Petit Palais:
This 48-hour-trip to the City of Light also took me to a show presented by a friend- metteuse en scene, Clémence GROSS, and featuring comedians, Paul SCHIRCK & Justine MOULINIER- to the play "L'épuisé" at the 77, rue de Charonne/Paris 11e:
Since the play took place at night, Paul and I had the priviledge to skip along the cobblestone streets of Paris to get lunch at Le Grand Palais resto-bistro followed by a visit to the Panthéon:, then later, we braved the security guards at the doors of La Sorbonne-Paris IV to take a good look at the beautiful and imposing university facilities:

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