Late last night; on my way to returning home from a photoshoot for an on-campus play CRISES-Kliniken by Lars Noren put together by a friend metteur en scene, Simon Vincent; I had decided to go on by foot rather than taken the C-Tramway to my downtown apartment. I had realised that the cobblestone streets of Strasbourg will never cease to amaze me.
My five senses were awaken to notice the locals gathered for a late-night drink or snack and the handful of tourists soaking in their last moment in the city prior to their departure the next morning, perhaps; to window shop quietly on my own pace and discover the variety of window displays done with such creativity and exactitude. The smell of pizzas and the famous Alsace dish tarte flambée were so savory that I was tempted to stop at one of those multi-tinted-coloured window bistros to take a bite. But, I did not. I then promised myself to come back next month with Paul and some friends. Quelle attente!