Photoshoot: Strasbourg, si j'étais une peinture...
January was a month to remember, for several meaningful things have happened, especially this 2010 year I anticipate will be quite eventful in my personal and career life.
On the weekend of the 23rd, a handful of friends and I gathered for Paul's birthday in his quartier de la Gare's apartment. The theme chosen was if I were a painting...and to my (delightful) surprise, he had texted his friends prior to attending the party to bring monetary donations for Haiti rather than offer him gifts and presents.
At the end of the celebration, eating croque-monsieur and dancing to the tunes from the Black Eyed Peas to Carimi, we open the box of donation to find a grand- and modest, I must add- total of over two hundred Euros to be sent to La Croix Rouge-The Red Cross to further the cause of my beloved island of Haiti at this time. Although this sum might not be colossal, it came straight from the hearts of poor-college-students budgets to support my hometown.
Thanks to all of you!

" Entouré d'un univers de choses tangibles et visibles: les animaux, les végétaux, les astres, l'homme, de tout temps, percoit qu'au plus profond de ces etres et de ces choses réside quelque chose de puissant qu'il ne peut décrire, et qui les anime."- Peuple peul d'apres Alassane Ndaw