J'aime apprendre et enseigner mon savoir!
Chief amongst the numerous and exquisite pleasures that academia life is the constant learning techniques at the disposal of teachers, professors and leaders, as time passes and innovative technology evolves.
When I dig in the depth of my memories, I still recall paying close attention to my parents- on most nights around the kitchen white rectangular family table, pouring upon students grades and preparing lesson plans in a poorly lit room, that is it is quite common in Haiti to have blackouts for several hours during the day...and night.
Although I was not so certain of my career path then; it never occured to me that I would develop an affinity for the Education field, as I do presently.
The desire has been nurtured carefully; the talent gradually refined and the expertise steadily sharpened over the course of years spent in a higher education setting. The love of words, the hunger for knowledge and the care of passing on my knowledge and skills have become one of the top three priorities of mine, for life.