Today is the day that I face the reality of my life: sweet and sticky!
Today is always the appropriate day to acknowledge the good and the improving moments of life. Today, as any other day, I will confront 'my demons' or the 'demons' of my upbringing-so to speak. A professor of mine once asked me if I ever considered studying about and researching on French Francophonie, namely Haiti-my own country of origin, my 'Haiti chérie'. To this particular question posed I vividly replied :"NO", I firmly said. Then I continued: "It will only revive my pain."
I never pretend to have reached the so-called perfection. I have seen, and to some extend, lived the hardships and sweetness of life growing up in the suburbs of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Such reality has hit me hard now to have bore witness of bloodshed from constant civil wars, physical misery of a people and financial drought of a nation.
Haiti is a complicated country. All Haitians are complicated.
I am a complicated being.
The French song 'La vie en rose' is merely the description of one's ability to design his or her own destiny through the hard weaving of his life's fabric.
Well, from today on, I will shun the voices of doubt. From today on, I will shut the voices of critics. From today on, I will be.
From today on, I will do.